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Safe Haven: Louisiana's Green Book: Taxi Cab

Safe Haven: Louisiana's Green Book: Taxi Cab

Episode 10: Taxi Cab

Hotels, restaurants, and taverns dominated the Green Book throughout its publication, but it also offered black travelers everyday services that may have been unavailable to them otherwise. Taxi businesses were one such service. In New Orleans during the 50s and 60s, four black owned taxi companies were established to bring African-Americans safely through both white and black neighborhoods safely. The V-8 Cab Line; Logan’s Cabs; Ed’s Cab Service; Haney Dripper; were listed in the Green Book from the second publication in 1938 to the last in 1967.

The series is based off "The Negro Motorist Green Book" exhibit at the Capitol Park Museum by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and sponsored by ExxonMobil Baton Rouge.

Credits: Host - Kara St. Cyr Producers - Emma Reid and Kara St. Cyr Executive Producer - Linda Midgett Digital Media Director - D. Ray! Washington Videographer - Emma Reid Editor - Matt Hathcox Graphics - Ryan Golden

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