🚧 Louisiana Public Broadcasting | Return to the Forest Where We Live
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Return to the Forest Where We Live

Return to the Forest Where We Live

This high-definition Louisiana Public Broadcasting documentary examines how advances in technology and changes in priorities are prompting communities throughout America to reconsider how vital trees really are to the socio-economic well-being of our cities. Drawing upon examples from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Los Angeles, and Charlotte, this program challenges viewers to re-evaluate the critical importance of investing in healthy urban ecosystems.

Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominee Nia Vardalos of My Big Fat Greek Wedding is the narrator for this new public television documentary.

Producer/Director: Liz Barnes
Writer: C. E. Richard
Editor: Rex Q, Fortenberry
Photographers: Keith Crews and Rex Q. Fortenberry
Senior Producer/Project Director: Tika Laudun

This project was supported by the Foundation for Excellence in Louisiana Public Broadcasting and the U.S. Forest Service's Urban and Community Forestry National Challenge Cost Share Grant, as recommended by the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council, (NUCFAC).


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