🚧 Louisiana Public Broadcasting | International Jam #603
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International Jam #603

International Jam #603

This series of one-hour performance programs features artists from around the world. The shows were taped live, on location at the annual Festivale International de Louisiane in Lafayette, Louisiana. International Jam showcases many talented Louisiana artists and our indigenous music styles, while also exploring and comparing other cultures and music presented at the Festival International each year. The series offers viewers across the country a first-hand look at the Festival International and the variety of music that makes it so popular. This episode features African and Caribbean music. Kanda Bongo Man (Zaire) plays the danceable rhythms of soukous; dance and percussion ensembles Bougarabou (West Africa) and Le Ballet Pomme Canelle (Martinique) provide exotic choreography. Afro-Haitian spiritual music is performed by Vodou-Le.


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