🚧 Louisiana Public Broadcasting | Enviro-Tacklebox™(The Series)
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Enviro-Tacklebox™(The Series)

Enviro-Tacklebox™(The Series)

This series, designed for middle school students can be easily integrated into existing science curricula. Each video lesson focuses on a specific topic related to Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Content Standard F of the National Science Standards. The series explores five themes: what happens to our bodies during exercise; the effects of UV radiation on human health; how a family's everyday activities correspond to the need for risk assessment; how science and emerging technology are linked to environmental concerns; and how population dynamics affect our water. These fast-paced programs feature many on-location segments.

More information at Enviro-Tacklebox™ This series includes five modules. Modules 1, 3, 4, 5 each consist of five 20 minute video lessons. Module 2 consists of four 20 minute video lessons and one 60 minute professional development tape. ($125 for all five modules)


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