🚧 Louisiana Public Broadcasting | Alive! In America's Delta: Life on…
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Alive! In America's Delta: Life on the Edge DVD

Alive! In America's Delta: Life on the Edge DVD

One of the most ecologically diverse regions on the planet, Louisiana is home to over 600 species of rare plants and animals and about 40% of the nation’s coastal wetlands in the lower 48 states. With a rich diversity of habitats from upland forests to the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico and everything in-between, including longleaf pine forests, cypress swamps, prairies, freshwater marsh, and sandy beaches, this region provides homes for an abundance of migratory and year-round wildlife and reptiles. Nearly 40% of the nation’s shorebirds, raptors and songbirds and 70% of ducks move through this rich coastal delta. But many species are on the edge of extinction due to loss of habitat and changes brought on by humans.

Meet a few of the many relatively unknown creatures struggling for survival like the Louisiana pine snake and the gopher tortoise, and get to know the people behind the scenes working tirelessly to save them. Discover how two of America’s most iconic species, the American bald eagle and the American alligator were brought back from the edge, and why sustainable management is essential to the future of these and countless other species. Discover how new technology and scientific understanding is helping to protect this wildlife and its critical habitat for generations to come, and how their survival is tied to our own.


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