🚧 Louisiana Public Broadcasting | Alive! In America's Delta: Endangered…
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Alive! In America's Delta: Endangered in the Gulf DVD

Alive! In America's Delta: Endangered in the Gulf DVD

The shallow and deep sea habitats of the northern Gulf of Mexico are extraordinarily rich and diverse. But some marine mammal and bird species in this region are in danger of being lost forever. Birds such as the piping plover and the least tern face tremendous threats. Five of the world’s seven species of sea turtles rely on habitat in the Gulf of Mexico and three are close to extinction. Other Gulf marine species like the West Indian manatee, the Gulf sturgeon, and sperm and right whales are also endangered. Many Gulf mammals, such as dolphins, need special protection and monitoring to remain healthy.

Find out how cutting edge technology is being used to monitor and protect these species and see just how successful these efforts can be. A symbol of hope is the brown pelican, Louisiana’s state bird. Once decimated by the pesticide DDT, it was first declared endangered in 1970. But, thanks to aggressive conservation efforts now employed across the Gulf coast zone, the iconic bird thrives on the Gulf Coast.


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