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Alive! In America’s Delta: Alligator: King of the Bayou DVD

Alive! In America’s Delta: Alligator: King of the Bayou DVD

The American alligator is the largest reptile in North America and Louisiana has millions of them – from the coastal parishes to the Arkansas state line. They are so plentiful that they’re hunted for their meat and hides. But for a period of time, beginning in the early 1960s, Louisiana’s alligator population was in steep decline. Since then, Louisiana has instituted one of the world's most successful wildlife conservation projects to help ensure the alligator’s survival. Since 1985, some 300,000 gators have multiplied to nearly 3 million today.

Witness first-hand how this keystone species – and cultural icon – was brought back to viability using a combination of biological science and marketplace economics.


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